Is Serge Benhayon The One?


I would like to state that I am not a member or follower of Universal Medicine or Serge Benhayon. I am a person who pays to attend presentations and workshops and I do not and never have called Serge Benhayon “The One”. In fact I call him Serge, after all that is his name; a family man who cares deeply about people and their well-being.

I have known Serge for 10 years and in all that time he has never told me what to do or how to think or offered me advice. I have never ever heard him say or even hint that he or any of the esoteric modalities that are offered can cure cancer, or any other illness or disease for that matter. Under no circumstances have I heard Serge or anyone from Universal Medicine say anything other than that they are pro conventional medicine and that people should seek and do require medical care. And not once have I heard him say not to exercise or make love or encourage anyone to leave their partner or end a relationship.

What I have heard Serge Benhayon talk about is the way he lives and what works for him and from that I have developed my own way of living and things that work for me. Breathing, eating, walking, sleeping, energy levels, daily rhythm. It is simply an application of common sense.

What he has done is bring to our awareness that we (all of us, not just people who attend Universal Medicine presentations) need more love in our lives, that we need to be more self-loving, that we need to care deeply about ourselves and then others, and that society is lacking of nurturing, connection and care for one another. If that makes Universal Medicine a cult or Serge Benhayon a cult leader then so is every doctor, medically trained person and practitioner or lay person who promotes self-care and lifestyles to enhance well-being and caring for one another.

These simply, accessible and practical actions of self-love, care and nurturing are at the core of all Serge Benhayon’s presentations and what I came to realise was that what was being presented were the things I already felt inside and knew for myself but wasn’t choosing to live by.

What Serge has said is that we are all equally “The One”; “The One” that has a choice to make a difference to our own life and perhaps, by way of reflection, to the lives of others. “The One” that is responsible for living our own life, “The One” who is responsible for our own choices and “The One” responsible for our own health. “The One“ that can choose to live a more gentle, loving way with ourselves and be “The One” to let others see that there may be a different more self-loving way to be, not through preaching or teaching but by simply being who we are in our normal everyday lives and interactions.


11 thoughts on “Is Serge Benhayon The One?

  1. Bravo, Rachel! Thanks be to Serge, who has been an incredible role model for me over the past 6 years. I thought I had it all sorted and life was pretty good. Yet Serge has shown me how much more there is to live, how much we all matter and that indeed, we are the Ones.


  2. Great blog Rachel. Exactly as you say, never has Serge ever told me or have I ever heard him tell anyone in any presentation I have attended how to eat, sleep, have a relationship or break off a relationship etc. etc. He has only ever spoken about things that I have already known to be true in my own heart and without Serge speaking out about these things then it would leave the world and all the in it people in it lesser.


  3. Great blog Rachel. We are the ones responsible for our own lives and in those responsible choices we are ‘the one’ that makes the difference.


  4. The only thing that makes Serge “the one” is that he is the only person I came across, after seeing many charlatans, who actually delivered a truth I knew deep inside myself. No one else but me can deliver a loving way to live with myself and others, it is totally my choice and my responsibility to get myself out of the mess I had created and be the deeply loving person I naturally am without holding back … I am the one … And so is everyone else 🙂


  5. Beautifully expressed Rachel and I can say exactly the same. Thank you for putting it so clearly for all to see and feel the truth of it 🙂


  6. Thank you Rachel for this blog. I am truly beginning to see just how simple living really is when I allow myself the grace and love of living me. I am super grateful to Serge for presenting as he does, for with out this I would never have allowed myself to feel what I do now.


    • Yes the inspiration of the way one man lives can touch many far and wide and then that many living from the developing love and care they have for themselves creates a ripple affect for others too be inspired.


  7. Fantastic, well captured. It’s really us and how we live, and to be inspired by another who lives in a loving way is amazing. I know I have learnt and am still learning to be more loving in my life. So yes I am ‘The One’ who can change how I live and the impact of that is huge.


  8. Serge is certainly the one who inspired me to be the one to choose to care about myself and the way Iive my life. Many others have also inspired me, but the inspiration comes from that person living that way. We can all say we know how to be healthy, the things that don’t support us but we do it anyway. Serge walks his talk and that makes all the difference as you can actually see and feel the difference it makes and know it can be done if you just choose it.


  9. Thanks Rachel and I love the way you wrote about being “the one”. Yes we are the one who does it all cares for ourselves and self loves in all areas of our lives and we are the only one who can do that.


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